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Claus, C. (2022). CDA_N: Taking Care of What I need to Hear. In Devens, P. & E. Kersten (Eds.), The Derailment of the Usual; pp. 86 – 99. Hématomes Éditions; Liège, Belgium.

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Claus, C. (2017). Urban Sound Design Studio L_28: Urban Sonic Research as Critical Spatial Practice. In Proceedings of Invisible Places Sounding Cities: Sound, Urbanism and Sense of Place 2017, pp. 220 – 229.

Claus, C., & K. Marcinaniak (Ed.). (2015). Urban Sound Design Process. A-I-R Laboratory CCA Ujazdowski Castle; Warsaw, Poland.

Claus, C. (2014). Using a Complex Sound World for a Participative Dismantling and Redefinition of the Collective Appropriation of Industrial Landscapes. In Proceedings of Invisible Places Sounding Cities: Sound, Urbanism and Sense of Place 2014, pp. 611 – 622.