CDA Sonic Drift, Sound Art Installation, S+T+ARTS ReSilence Exhibition, Milan (IT)
Online presentation, 3rd S+T+ARTS ReSilence plenary meeting, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt (DE)
Paper presentation on the outcome of my S+T+ARTS ReSilence Residency, with Nefeli Georgakopoulou, Paraskevi Kritopoulou and Georgios Loupos (CERTH – ReSilence EU) at Ambiances 2024, Lisbon (PT)
Talk & workshop, Resonance – Open Sound Lab, as part of my S+T+ARTS ReSilence Residency, Public Library, Ixelles – Brussels (BE)
Project presentation, 2nd S+T+ARTS ReSilence plenary meeting, Poblenou Campus, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona (ES)
Start CDA Sonic Drift, S+T+ARTS ReSilence Residency, Art-Driven Experiment (ADE) in sonic cartography, Brussels (BE)
Project presentation, 1st S+T+ARTS ReSilence plenary meeting, CasaPaganini InfoMus, International Research Centre, UniGe, Genova (IT)
Talk & conversation with Elena Biserna, at Sonic Narratives 2023, a project by Simultan Association as part of Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023, in collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Timișoara (RO)
Audio Presentation at Symposium: Art and Sound in Public Space, Nomadic School of Arts, KASK & & Conservatoire, Ghent (BE)
Framework Radio #828: 2023.01.15, (Online)
Paper presentation at symposium & book launch: The Derailment of the Usual, the Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht (NL)
Participation in Worksession Techno-Cul-de-Sac, Constant vzw, Brussels (BE)
Participation in Permaculture Design Course (PDC), Permaculture Crisis Management, Brussels (BE)
Public Defence PhD, supervised by Professor Dr. Burak Pak (KU Leuven) and Mr. Peter Cusack (UAL), with members of the Examination Committee, Prof. Dr. Monika Rychtarikova (KU Leuven), Prof. Dr. Sven Sterken (KU Leuven), Prof. Dr. Maarten Loopmans (KU Leuven), Dr. Barbara Roosen (UHasselt), and Dr. Nicola Croce (Iuav). KU Leuven Department of Architecture & Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint Lucas, Pacheco 34, Brussels (BE)
Meet the Jury – Mr. Peter Cusack (UAL) and Dr. Nicola di Croce (Iuav), KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, LUCA School of Arts, Brussels (BE)
Conversation with Jana Rush (Planet Mu), Rewire Festival – Discourse Program, Korzo, The Hague (NL)
Talk & Conversation at Forum For Noise with Prof. dr. Marcel Cobussen (ACPA) and artist performances by Caeso and Yau Fan, Rewire Festival – Discourse Program, Korzo, The Hague (NL)
Sound Walk_L28: Part II, Permanent: Building Beyond: Summer School on Collective Strategies for Just Cities, Kaaistudio’s, Brussels (BE)
Sound Walk_L28: Part I & II, La Semaine du Son / De Week van de Klank 2021, Flagey, Brussels (BE)
Sonic Urbanism Seminar, La Semaine du Son / De Week van de Klank 2021, De Markten, Brussels (BE)
Framework Radio #746: 2021.02.28, (Online)
Jury Field Recording-Lockdown, La Semaine du Son / De Week van de Klank 2021, Flagey, Brussels (BE)
Live recording Brussels North, Radio Earth Live Stream (Online Event)
Abstract presentation with Prof. Dr. Pak (KU Leuven), Peter Cusack (UAL), Nicola di Croce (IUAV), Prof Sterken (KU Leuven) at RC21, UAntwerp (Online Event)
Live recording Brussels North, Off Grid, Soundcamp – Reveil 2021 (Online Event)
Conversation with Peter Cusack at Rewire 2021 Festival (Postponed)
Participation in Vulnerabilities and sounds, the experience of listening, CRESSON Winter School 2021, Laboratoire AAU (Online Event)
Lecture at Permablitz PDC Bruxelles, Open Lab for Bio-Acoustics, Brussels (BE)
Paper Presentation with Prof. Dr. Burak Pak at URBAN CULTURES GOING PUBLIC LUNCH SEMINAR Winter 2020_21. KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture (Online Event)
Abstract Presentation, Approaching Research Practice in Architecture. TU Munich, TU Delft and KTH Stockholm (Online Event)
Presentation of my proposal for the development of two geolocated sound walks and a seminar during La Semaine du Son / De Week van de Klank 2021 as part of my PhD research, KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, Brussels (BE)
Live Recording Brussels North, Soundcamp – Reveil 2020 (Online Event)
Live recording Brussels North, Empty Cities – Vacuamoenia (Online Event)
Elective Course on Sonic Cartography, collaboration under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Burak Pak and Peter Cusack as part of my PhD research, KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint Lucas, Brussels (BE)
Four questions ∣ located sound: The act and art of listening to located sound. Interview by Jez riley French (Online)
Talk & conversation with Open Lab for Bio-Acoustics at ABC, Anderlecht (BE)
Noises I could not ignore, la Base, émission n°59. Presentation by Yared Yilma, conversation with Flavien Gillié and Wendy Van Wynsberghe. A project by Constant, Radio Panik and BNA-BBOT (Online Event)
Abstract presentation with Prof. Dr. Burak Pak. CA2RE, LUCA School of Arts, Ghent (BE)
Sonic Urbanism Master Design studio_L28, collaboration under the guidance of Prof Dr. Burak Pak as part of my PhD research, KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint Lucas, Brussels (BE)
Paper presentation with Prof. Dr. Burak Pak at EAEA14, The School of Architecture of Nantes, Nantes (FR)
Vitrien #2 with students of the KU Leuven International Master of Architecture, a collaboration with BNA-BBOT, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Burak Pak as part of my PhD research, BNA-BBOT, Brussels (BE)
Elective course on Sonic Cartography, collaboration under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Burak Pak and Peter Cusack as part of my PhD research, KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint Lucas, Brussels (BE)
Research seminar – Dirty Ear Forum #8 with Elena Biserna, Lia Garcia, Jerome Gillier, Brandon LaBelle & Anna Raimondo, Q-O2, Brussels (BE)
Paper presentation with Prof. Dr. Burak Pak, Drs. Giulia Vismara and Johann Diedrick at Who’s Listening? Sound and Public Space – ISSTA 2018, Ulster University, Derry / Londonderry (UK)
Paper presentation with Prof. Dr. Burak Pak at Colloquium Crafting a Sonic Urbanism, Atelier ™ (Theatrum Mundi), MSH Paris Nord (FR)
Sonic Urbanism Master Design studio_L28, a collaboration under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Burak Pak as part of my PhD research, KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint Lucas, Brussels (BE)
NYC – LIC Railway Area Pilot Study, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Burak Pak and Peter Cusack as part of my PhD research, with the support of KU Leuven Architecture NY-hub, NYC (US)
Paper presentation with Prof. Dr. Burak Pak at CA2RE, Aarhus School of Architecture (DK)
Presentation PhD Objectives & Conversation on Cartography with Dearhunter & Atelier Cartographique at TMBR ASSEMBLY by That Might Be Right, Brussels (BE)
Performative conversation with Giulia Vismara at Helicotrema 6, IUAV University, Venice (IT)
Abstract presentation at FKL Soundscape Symposium Different Rhythms – Signal Festival, Cagliari (IT)
Presentation of my PhD proposal, KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, Brussels (BE)
Participation in What is a sociable acoustic?, Atelier ™ (Theatrum Mundi), Collège d’études Mondiales, FMSH, Paris (FR)
Framework Radio #610: 2017.09.17 [matt shoemaker], (on line)
Paper presentation at Invisible Places, Sound, Urbanism and Sense of Place, S. Miguel (PT)
Masterplanning PAD / RPA BEEKKANT-WEST, a project by Taktyk, 51n4e, ABO & Tractebel & Caroline Claus & Idea for Perspective, Brussels (BE)
Paper presentation at Symposium Art and the Future City, Erasmus Hogeschool & VUB, Beursschouwburg, Brussels (BE)
Studio_L28 in collaboration with Q-O2 and public school for architecture Brussels, Q-O2, Brussels (BE)
Paper presentation at Sound and the City – Intonal Festival, Inkonnst, Malmö (SE)
Presentation of my residency proposal for the organization of an interdisciplinary urban sound design studio in parallel with my participation in the programming of CRU | SVC Weststation, Q-O2, Brussels (BE).
Consultancy Urban renewal contract 3 – CRU | SVC Weststation, a project by 1010 architecture urbanism, Taktyk, Petra Pferdmenges with Christine Schaut, Annabelle Van Nieuwenhuyse & Mariska Vogel, Brussels (BE)
Sonic Cartography ‘Beekkant – West’, Soccos – Residency, Q-O2, Brussels (BE)
Presentation of my proposal for interdisciplinary research in sound studies and sonic cartography via an artistic residency and the organisation of an urban sound design studio at Q-O2, Brussels (BE)
Playlist Framework Radio #514: 2015.05.31, (on line)
Book Presentation at A-I-R Laboratory, Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art Warsaw (PL)
Paper Presentation at Design, Social Media and Technology to Foster Civic Self Organisation – Uhasselt, Hasselt (BE)
Paper Presentation at Invisible Places, Sound, Urbanism and Sense of Place, Viseu (PT)
Cartography, Farmhouse – Parckfarm – Parckdesign 2014, Tour & Taxis, Brussels (BE)
Cartography, Atelier De Stad Hasselt – Genk, C-Mine Cultuurcentrum, Genk (BE)
Sound Walk ITCC FOREST 13 at l’Incroyable Téléphérique, Parc de Forest & Dudenpark, Brussels (BE)
Consultancy, Tuned City Brussels, Q-O2, Brussels (BE)
Cartography – NYC, Detroit & Chicago (US)
Design for a Post-industrial Soundscape in Forest – Bas (Brussels), master project, MSc Spatial Planning & Urban Design, Ster* (Erasmus & VUB), Brussels (BE)